Parish Administration

It takes more than a village to ensure the smooth operation of a parish - fortunately we are blessed with dozens of volunteers who offer their time and talent.

Coordinators of our administrative ministries are shown. Contact information is available in our Realm Directory or from the church office - 828-884-3666 or

Our Parish Administrator is Jill Stewart.


Do you enjoy a bit of organization and working with images? Do you have a knack for digitalizing documents? Curious about the history of our church? Preserving and maintaining church records/images you will assess and assist in protecting the current and historical documents of St. Philip’s.


Offering Counters

Weekly, volunteers count offerings from all services, and all other income received at the church. The count is done after the late morning service on Sunday. Volunteers are paired with another parishioner and count once a month.

William Begg


Office Volunteers

Office volunteers assist the Parish Administrator by answering the phone, photocopying, proofreading, and preparing worship bulletins, agreeing to a 3-hour weekly shift.

Jill Stewart


Parish Reporter

The Parish Reporter keeps abreast of parish activities, events, and items of interest. As appropriate, articles of interest to the community are publicized in local and, if applicable, regional news media.

Nancy Waclawek

Memorials Committee

The Memorials Committee oversees financial gifts given to the parish in honor or memory of a loved one. There is a Vestry approved gift list. Gifts can be designated for a particular purpose, if approved, or they can remain undesignated and used as the Memorial Committee designates. 

Nancy Harger

Social Media / Facebook & Instagram  

This committee monitors and updates the St. Philip’s social media presence. Timely information and photos are shared to reflect the myriad activities of our busy parish. 

Holly Votaw


The website is the online information center for parishioners and for those seeking to learn about St. Philip’s Episcopal Church. The site is updated frequently with important notices and links to the weekly service leaflet. For more information or questions about the website, contact the parish office. 

Holly Votaw & Jill Stewart

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