Christian Nurture programs start with our youngest members as they are introduced to the tenets of our faith in stories they can understand. Children, Youth and Adults may all participate in enhancing their faith development through Christian Education, often referred to as Christian Formation. Whatever the terminology, St. Philip's offers a wide variety of opportunities both increase knowledge and strengthen faith.
For more information contact the church office at 828-884-3666 or
Coffee & Conversation
An adult spiritual formation opportunity convenes Sundays between services and consists of discussions of relevant issues from a Biblical perspective. C&C meets in Miller Hall, our upstairs gathering room.
Godly Play
Godly Play is a Montessori-based program for children 5 years through 5th grade. Children hear the stories of the Bible and learn to wonder what our Holy Scripture means for their lives.
Youth Sunday School
Youth in 6th to 12th grades are invited to join us each Sunday for a discussion-based class at 9:15 a.m. The lesson each Sunday is meant to explore a faith-based question submitted by the youth. The youth class meets in the downstairs education wing.
Adult Forum
An adult Christian educational opportunity that explores the basics of our faith through scripture, theology, church history, and liturgics to uncover implications for daily living. Adult Forum meets in the YAC, our downstairs gathering room.
Lenten Program
A spiritually enriching program is held over the course of five Wednesday evenings in Lent, beginning the week after Ash Wednesday and ending the Wednesday before Palm Sunday. Clergy and lay leaders plan and conduct the program centered on a theme appropriate for the church season.
Young Adult Bible Study
All young adults (postgraduates ages 21-30ish) are invited to join us as we study the Gospels together. We meet every Tuesday evening.
Abby Glass
Tuesday Morning Men's Bible Study
An adult men’s group focused on studying scripture and other spiritual texts, with an intention to discern God’s will for us and the community of faith on our various Christian journeys.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
A lectionary-based discussion group following the Wednesday morning Eucharist and Healing Service. The focus is on applying Scripture in our lives and service to others.
Education for Ministry – EfM
This is a lay-led 4-year continuing education program from the University of the South for lay persons interested in deepening their faith and understanding of the scriptures and the church. The group meets weekly from September to mid-December and January – May. Sessions includes discussion of the week’s material and theological reflection and application. There is a fee for the program from Sewanee Seminary plus the cost of the required books.
Jean Woods
CrossTown Youth Group
CrossTown is our interdenominational youth group for 4th-12th graders that meets on Sunday nights from 5-6:45 pm. Adult volunteers are always needed to help chaperone our weekly events. 'Safeguarding God's Children' diocesan training is required for adult volunteers.
Abby Glass
Contagious with Love
The purpose of the CWL is to honor and sustain the teachings of The Rev. Anne Bridgers and provide an opportunity to study, reflect upon, and increase communication and action around the intersection of societal issues and Christianity. CWL offers occasional symposiums and programs throughout the year.
Gena Hawk
256 East Main Street
Brevard, NC 28712