Over the last two years, St. Philip’s Episcopal Church has been exploring ways to serve families in our community who face a dire need for affordable/workforce housing. In September, St. Philip’s announced its partnership with Transylvania Habitat for Humanity and Brevard-Davidson Presbyterian Church in a project called “Faith Build.”
The Habitat house is in Rosman where 10 houses are going up to create a new neighborhood. Construction is expected to take 5-7 months. Work started Oct. 3. Roof trusses are up and work will continue weekdays until the house is completed, weather and materials permitting. For more information about the build, contact Adam Dewitte at Transylvania Habitat for Humanity at 828-884-3907.
Volunteers interested in construction should contact Bill Mellman from St. Philip’s. Also, there are sign-up sheets for St. Philip’s volunteers in the hallway near the church office.
St. Philip’s and Brevard-Davidson Presbyterian believe this Faith Build project is a way to demonstrate our faith in action and to make a significant difference in the life of one Transylvania County family. Change happens one family at a time, as communities are built to support each other.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is involved in this Faith Build project?
Transylvania Habitat for Humanity is the lead agency in this home-building project. St. Philip’s is partnering with Brevard-Davidson Presbyterian Church to provide funding, volunteer, and prayer support for the Faith Build over the course of construction, which is expected to take between 5 and 7 months.
When does the construction start?
The foundation has already been laid and initial work to ensure safety of workers is under way. The site is lot #5 in Don Ross Acres near Old Rosman Highway in Rosman.
How is St. Philip’s involved?
The Christian Social Concerns Committee has been exploring housing needs in Transylvania County for more than two years. In June 2023, the Vestry approved a $10,000 grant to Transylvania Habitat for Humanity for this Faith Build project. St. Philip’s commitment to the construction project going forward is through volunteers for help with the construction or in other ways, including prayer for a successful build-out.
Is St. Philip’s asking parishioners to donate to the Faith Build?
No. You’ve already contributed through your annual pledge and giving. The funds are allocated to CSC through the annual budgeting process of those funds. If you, as an individual, would like to contribute, you should do that directly to Transylvania Habitat for Humanity. Make your check payable to Transylvania Habitat for Humanity and in the memo line, write “St. Philip’s Faith Build.” Contribute online or send your check to Transylvania Habitat for Humanity at 692 Ecusta Road, Brevard, NC 28712. To donate online, go to https://transylvaniahabitat.charityproud.org/Donate. Click the box “In Honor of” to make a note that you want your money directed to the Faith Build project. (Please be sure to direct your contributions to the local Habitat for Humanity rather than the National Organization.)
What kind of help can we provide?
A Faith Build display is in the parish hall lobby and will be updated frequently with information about how to be involved. Volunteering will be everything from praying to bringing snacks or drinks to the workers (Monday-Friday) or helping with painting and other construction work or landscaping, if that’s where your talent lies. There will be information about whom to contact about volunteer opportunities and frequent updates in the E-pistle and on the Faith Build display board, including photos and (if possible) video of the progress on the build. Brevard-Davidson Presbyterian also will be providing volunteers, and St. Philip’s will be coordinating with them so all needs are covered jointly.
Week 2 (October 13, 2023)
The roof is on at the house at Lot #10. Volunteers helped with tasks on the ground while professionals worked on the roof. Exterior walls are up. Once the structure is “dried in,” volunteers start walling up the interior. Contact Bill Mellman if you want to be a construction volunteer. All sign-up sheets are in Easel Alley. Add your name to our growing lists of volunteers for now and in the future.
And gather at St. Philip's at 2 p.m. Saturday, October 21 to carpool to the Faith Build site where we will write our prayers and inspirational messages for the new owners on interior framing. Bring a permanent marker with you.
Week 1 (October 6, 2023)
Volunteers gathered October 3 to bless the work at Lot #5 and share the excitement of getting started. Roof trusses have gone up. If you haven’t already, add your name to the volunteer lists displayed in the lobby for the various ways you can help support Faith Build: construction, bringing snacks, landscaping and praying. Someone will be in touch with you when your help is needed. Or, if you want to donate, give directly to Transylvania Habitat for Humanity (put “Faith Build” in the memo line of your check). The Habitat site is https://transylvaniahabitat.charityproud.org/Donate. Click the box “In Honor of” to make a note that you want your money directed to the Faith Build project. More on Faith Build next week.
Starting Soon! (September 29, 2023)
Tuesday, October 3, is the date when work will start on our Faith Build house in Don Ross Acres. Transylvania Habitat for Humanity has informed St. Philip’s and Brevard-Davidson Presbyterian church that the foundation is ready and materials are in place for construction to start on “our house” on Lot #5. Bill Mellman (727-480-5675 / mellmanw@gmail.com) is the point person for volunteers who offered to help with actual construction. He has been at the work site and in touch with Mike Wallace, Adam Dewitte from Habitat, and Mike Stewart from Brevard-Davidson River Presbyterian. He has some volunteers scheduled for this next week. If you are available and interested, let Bill know. The Habitat site is off Old Rosman Highway in Rosman. Driving directions and parking information will be provided for volunteers. It’s starting!
256 East Main Street
Brevard, NC 28712