A Celebration of St. Mary at Pentecost

St. Philip's invites you to join us Sunday, May 19 at 5:00 pm for our final Choral Evensong of the season, sung by our Chancel Choir with guest artists Eclectic Collective of Atlanta.

The Day of Pentecost marks the birth of the Christian Church, when the Spirit came to Jesus's followers gathered in the Upper Room. Among them was his mother Mary, the “Mother of the Church.”

Our Choral Evensong will highlight women in liturgy and in music, featuring Kathryn Rose’s Magnificat, Nunc dimittis, and Psalm setting; Margaret Burk’s Preces and Responses; and anthems and hymns by Elaine Hagenberg, E.E Hewitt, Mrs. J.J. McClellan, and Florence Price. Admission is free and all are welcome!

Eclectic Collective

Prior to the standardized instrumentation of the modern orchestra, ensembles were usually made up of whomever was available to play or sing. This level of spontaneity allowed for freedom of expression and a wide range of tonal colors. Eclectic Collective members Kelly Brzozowski (harp, early winds), Rosalind Buda (early and modern woodwinds), Sarah Dietrich (percussion), and Jody Miller (early and modern woodwinds) explore combinations of wind, string, and percussion instruments that enjoyed popularity at different times in history. From the Medieval dances popular in the streets of 13th century Italy to the contemporary art music that evolved from these very same rhythms and melodies, the ensemble presents music that is fresh and full of tonal color.

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