
The Vestry is the agent and legal representative of the Parish in all matters concerning the property held by the Parish and the relation of the Parish to its Clergy. In addition to such other responsibilities as prescribed by Ecclesiastical Law, it is the duty of the Vestry to take charge of the property held by the Parish; to elect and call a Rector; to promote the good stewardship of the Parish’s resources; to provide for and preserve the Parish Register and other records; to prepare an annual Parish budget; to support and maintain the Parish’s Clergy; to keep order during divine service; to pay all assessments on the Parish, including those in support of the Diocese; and in general to act as helpers to the Clergy in whatever is appropriate to laypersons for the furtherance of the Gospel, it being understood, always, that the spiritual concerns of the Parish are under the exclusive direction of the Clergy in subordination to the Ecclesiastical Authority and Ecclesiastical Law. 

Senior Warden

Membership on some of the following committees requires a parish nomination and vote or appointment by the Rector, or approval by the Vestry. If interested in serving on one of these committees, please contact the Rector. 

Chairs of our committees are shown.

Contact information is available in our Realm Directory or from the church office - 828-884-3666 or

Finance Committee

This is a standing committee of the Vestry that advises the Vestry on fiduciary matters of the church and serves at the pleasure of the Vestry. All members are approved by the Vestry.  Permanent members include the Co-Treasurer for Accounts Receivable, the Co-Treasurer for Accounts Payable, the Payroll Administrator, the Treasurer of the ECW and The Shop of St. Philip's, and the Chair of the St. Philip's Foundation. Rotating members are selected from the Vestry and the parish at large.

Al Votaw

St. Philip’s Episcopal Church Foundation

The St. Philip’s Foundation receives gifts and bequests of money, personal and real property, invests and manages the same, and from such property makes grants for charitable, religious and educational purposes. 

Charles Fisher


Stewardship Committee

A committee of the Vestry augmented by other volunteers, organize the year-round stewardship activities for St. Philip’s. 

Julie Heinitsh

Cemetery Committee

This committee, appointed by the Vestry, oversees the management and maintenance of the two cemeteries associated with St. Philip’s, St. Paul’s in the Valley, and St. Philip’s Cemetery. 

David Morrow

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