Parish Life

Coordinators of our parish life ministries are shown - contact information is available in our Realm Directory or from the church office - 828-884-3666 or

Parish Life Committee

Parishioners who gather quarterly to plan parish social events.

Penny Mann

Buildings Committee

Volunteers help the church and parish properties (not the grounds) through general maintenance and repair projects. Volunteers are needed – all skill levels, both men and women, are welcome! Regular meeting days are Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m., gathering together in the Library (Room 205).

Angela Patane & Murphy Smith

Newcomers Committee

Committee works to integrate newcomers into the life of the parish. Members write personal notes to all visitors and potential newcomers, make telephone and/or personal contact and provide information and invitations to social events. The purpose is to ensure newcomers know that they belong here at St. Philip’s.

Pat Dunham & Jennifer Lacefield

Lenten Suppers

These simple dinners of soup, bread and salad are held for 5 weeks during Lent in conjunction with the Lenten Evening Programs. Lenten Suppers begin the week after Ash Wednesday and continue through the week before Palm Sunday.

There is no charge for the suppers, but donations are welcome. Volunteers are needed for coordinator, set-up, clean-up, soup makers, bread bakers, and salad makers.

Carrie Anderson

Foyers Dinner Groups

An opportunity for parishioners in small groups to meet in each other’s homes for food and fellowship. Sessions last four months; members commit to a Fall and/or Spring Session.

Holly Votaw and Mary McGinnis

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